Catholic Action


Brianna Curran

Catholic Action Report for 2023

The Catholic Action Report for 2023 will be collected electronically. Please click here for the link to access the form. The preferred response is to use the Google form link. However, if you have difficulty with Google Forms, please click here for the link for Adobe Web Forms.

This report will be the summary of your activities for 2023. Please complete the report by June 30th, 2024.  Please direct all questions to Kathleen. Regardless of the link that you use, a copy of your responses will be returned to you. Upon receiving the confirmation email/copy of the completed form, please send a copy to your State Catholic Action Officer and County Catholic Action Officer, if applicable.

Project Saint Patrick

Project St. Patrick pins and bookmarks are available in packs of ten. The cost is $100 per pack of ten, this includes shipping and handling.

Each Project St. Patrick card comes with an insert card to be completed by the member who purchases the card. The completed insert card (complete with Name, Division, County and State) and pre-addressed envelope should be returned to the National Catholic Action Officer with a check made out to LAOH, Inc with Project St. Patrick in the Memo. Cards are purchased for a suggested minimum donation of $10, however, higher amounts may be donated. Each Catholic Action Officer should track the donations from their Divisions on the Catholic Action Donation form and send a copy of this completed form up the chain to Catholic Action Officers on the County and State levels for their records. A copy of the Catholic Action Donation form can also be found on the National LAOH website. Each State Catholic Action Officer will receive a quarterly report from the National Catholic Action Officer summarizing the Project St. Patrick and SOAR donations for their state.

Support Our Aging Religious, Inc. (SOAR!)

Support Our Aging Religious, Inc. (SOAR!) is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization which raises funds and provides grants to help Catholic religious congregations in the United States care for their elderly and infirm members. These grants address practical immediate needs such as renovations for accessibility, automatic doors, hospital beds and assistive devices. This assistance ensures the safety, peace of mind, and dignity of aging and infirm Sisters, Brothers and Priests.

Spirit of St. Brigid Project

The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians participated in the Spirit of St. Brigid project at the LAOH national convention in Pittsburgh PA. The chosen charities were the Center for Victims in Pittsburgh PA which is a domestic violence shelter and the Red Door Charity which helps domestic violence victims and provides lunches to the homeless. The LAOH was very charitable with over $3,400.00 to the Red Door and many donations of towels and needed things for the Center for Victims.

Thank You to all of the Charity sponsors, as usual the LAOH is very generous.

LAOH Unity Prayer

St Brigid,

We ask your guidance to inspire us to offer Friendship as you did to all who cross our paths in life.
We ask Your Prayers to inspire us to offer the hand of Unity to all.
We ask Your Love to inspire us to give Christian Charity to all.
We as members of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Seek to follow in your path of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
We ask that you bestow Your Blessings upon us through Christ our Lord.

Reach the National Catholic Action Officer

Email Address: Brianna Curran